Sample Library Production/Consulting
I frequently consult on a variety of musical and music-tech services, including full-fledged sample library production.
For example, on Star Wars the Force awakens I examined master composer John William’s beautiful hand written scores to find errors in his work. Then I compared his sketch form composition to the final score to assure his intent was captured. I am often hired for analysis of complex orchestral music.
Having spent 13 years in the sample recording industry I am very familiar with both its musical and business sides. My knowledge of sample libraries is very intimate. I was the creative power behind many of the industry’s standard technologies (including non-sequential round robin, world building choir engine, and the Tina Guo legato technique.)
Using a recording technique of my own device, I performed the piano samples for one of the bestselling, most highly regarded keyboard libraries of all time, Piano in Blue. Additionally, I personally planned, conducted, and produced the sessions for all of Cinesamples’ flagship projects (up to 2020).